Greek Dancing Lessons


"Dance, of all the arts, is the one that most influences the soul. Dancing is divine in its nature and is the gift of the Gods"

You have probably already attended performances of Greek dances in your summer travels in Greece, in cinema, etc. After Zorba the Greek, Syrtaki has become the most widely known. Tsamikos and Kalamatianos, are danced all over the country, dancers orchestrating their steps and leaps (Gr, orcheisthai, to dance) in a semi-circle. Ballos is danced in the Aegean islands, to swift and lyric music, by men and women in couples. Dances of Central or Northern Greece are somewhat slower. The Corfiote dance and its rhythm bear a strong similarity to Italian folk dances and music.

A series of Greek Dances lessons has been organized for those who wish to learn some of the most popular Greek dances.

If you are interested to participate, please send an email to

The duration of each Greek dance lesson is about 2 hours starting at 14:30 on the following Sundays:

23 February 2014
2 March 2014
23 March 2014
13 April 2014
11 May 2014
8 June 2014
ClubHouse, Auditorium
from 14:30 to 16:30
Calamatianos (Peloponneso)
Clefticos - Tsamicos (Epiro)
Sirtos sta Tria (Tessaglia)
Zonaradicos (Tracia)
Sirtos Nisioticos (Mar Egeo)
Balos (Mar Egeo)
Chassaposervicos (Asia Minore)
Chassapicos (Asia Minore)
Sirtaki (Zorbas)

A professional dance teacher from the group chorostates from Brescia gives lessons during the Hellenic semester.

Participation fees - special prices

4 lessons: 40€ (adults), 20€ (children)
3 lessons: 30€ (adults), 15€ (children)
1 lesson: 15€ (adults), 10€ (children)

The group ''Chorostates''

The group ''Chorostates" was formed in 2006 by four friends : Giorgia Athanasio , Angelica, Pandora. They have studied Greek dancing since the elementary school years and continued their training at ' National Institute '"Likion Ellinidon" Larissa , Cultural Association of the city of Larissa , Dancing Cultural Association and theater at the city of Athens - Galatsi and at Cultural Association of Corfu. When they moved to Italy for University studies , they joined an association of social and cultural promotion at Brescia , specialized in folk dances from around the world . They organized, together with the above-mentioned association , an international festival of folk dance where they participated, after an official invitation at international events in various areas of Greece. Driven by their passion for Greek dancing, they founded the group "Chorostates " and perform in many cities of Lombardy. In addition, they have strong collaborations with public schools of Brescia teaching Greek dancing to children. Group's motto is " ... keep up the dance! " meaning get into the rhythm of life.